Faith Works!

Faith Works!

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Today I want to talk about the wondrous blessings of God. I don't have to wait for the "sweet by and by" God is working in my life right now.


Hers a great example. My youngest daughter is a fantastic cook. She made a simple meatloaf for me. the flavor was so rich and deep, I wanted to lick the plate! seriously! People have suggested that she would be a great chef. She has a natural talent. Her first experience in college was not great and I knew her confidence was shaken. She talked about going back to school, but wasn't sure how financially it could happen, or what school to attend.

Have you ever had God speak to you and direct you somewhere or to someone?  This is what happened to me. I was at work with some down time and I felt an urging, the Father told me, look at culinary schools online. I found one, and chatted with an online operator. The following Monday, Paul called and asked if I was interested in culinary school. I told him no, I'm looking for my daughter and I told him her story.  He said, bring her down for a tour lets see if their school would be a good fit. So we did. My daughter, her sister and I went. We were very impressed with the school and the program. They were very impressed with my daughter. They provide uniforms, a set of knives, food, books, everything but shoes. Then we started talking fees. $15,000 dollars. Tuition is due paid in full by the first day of school which starts on April 7th. This was April 1st. Here is where God moved. I told my daughter if she would take a step and apply, God would take care of the rest. She protested and asked where is the money going to come from. I told her I didn't know, but God would provide, if she would just step out on faith.

The following day, Paul called and said there could be scholarship money available once she put in her application. No promises. So, she pulled the paperwork together and turned it in. Paul called her later and told her she got a $6000 dollar in scholarship, and we could work out a payment arrangement for the rest. We were doing the dance of joy!!!!

She is finishing up her first week. She is already excelling in her class, making delicious food. I can't wait to eat her homework!

I don't have the $9000 dollars either, but I have faith that God will provide the rest of the money. He wouldn't have led me to the site and she would have applied if it wasn't a divine appointment. I believe this with all my heart.

The point of faith is that you step out, not knowing where the road leads, but knowing who is leading on the road.

When she graduates, I'll post a picture of my daughter, the Chef!


Until next time,

Blessing and Peace